Former teacher turned wedding photographer & Coach

I’m a former 7th-grade special education math teacher, cookie monster, adrenaline junkie, craft beer connoisseur, and passionate educator for helping wedding photographers create sustainable systems that increase their bookings, profits, and creativity.

Hi. I’m Scott.

I’m cookie monster in human form

It’s been a journey

…and it hasn’t always been pretty.

I was once trying to build my photography business into a full-time job while working my full-time day job (and another part-time job as well). I worked 18/7 and was constantly burnt out from the grind.

I spent thousands on online courses thinking that they would help me turn my dreams into reality. Instead, I was left with hours of photographers talking at me and regurgitating what they did but not how to build the actual systems for my business.

Fast-forward to today and I now help photographers like yourself create those elusive systems that just don’t seem possible for you. I learned to stop focusing on tactics and put my energy into strategy and processes and that’s when everything changed for me (and will change for you).

The Story So Far

Where it all began

When picked up my first camera (Nikon D5100), I always said, “I never want to shoot weddings.” A situation took place and I ended up shooting my first wedding in 2013…and the rest is history.

Leveling up with MagMod

I discovered MagMod in 2015 and started making more creative work that I was really proud of. I realized that there was an entire other dimension to wedding photography and became excited about the possibilities.

Rachel & Tony

I photographed Rachel and Tony’s engagement in 2017 and their wedding in 2018. Sadly, Rachel passed before their one-year wedding anniversary. Their families asked me to document a memorial in Rachel’s memory in Hawaii on what would have been their one-year anniversary. It changed so much about what I do and how I do it.

Quitting teaching

I left my career as a teacher after 10 years in 2019. I walked away from my Master’s degree along with two certifications to teach middle school Math and English. It was terrifying to do at the time but I’m so glad I had the courage to make the leap.

Becoming an ambassador

Right around the time of me leaving teaching, I was named an ambassador for MagMod and SLR Lounge, two of the biggest names in the photography industry. It was quite surreal to be sponsored by companies I loved and supported for years!

Becoming a teacher…again

It’s crazy how life comes full circle sometimes, right?! Teaching has always been a passion of mine and it always will be. I missed teaching and decided to use the downtime during 2020 to explore how I could help other photographers in their journey.

The rest is history!

Do you want my free thing? You should do.

It will probably change your life.

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